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Saturday, 26 November 2011

Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while

Hello everyone, I'm sorry that I haven't been adding in anything in my blog for a while. I have just gotten bored from being on the computer all the time. 
I have just been going out, getting some air.

Well I will add in all the things that has recently happened.

As you know gold panda day were on Thursday 24th November 2011.
Today the gift machine is working and you can get a cool Christmas stocking.

And now we can sheer the sheep at the pokopet barn. This was just like last year too!!!

If you talk to lilli inside the igloo she will give you a razor, then go to the sheep at the pokopet barn. When you go to shave the sheep it will say to go back to Lilli. She will then give you a sheep outfit to put on. You must have another panda friend with the sheep costume on to distract the sheep.
Once you have shaved the sheep and got it's wool. Go back to Lilli and then you are done. As a reward you can keep the sheep costume.

 I I think thats everything so far. There a are a few things, but i'll just leave it to that.
Thanks for reading. Goodbye.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

The igloo is here!

Hello everyone. As you may know we have been helping manny get sheets of ice from the swimming pool. 
Well today is the day when the igloo is all done! Today you can go inside the igloo at the Jungle.
And and andddd... It's just like last year, nothing is different about it. I think that's a good thing to me because it's like a memory coming back to my mind. Here are some pictures of what I took.

 One last thing. You see the bit in the igloo where i am stood.... Well when it's the 1st of December that part of the igloo will be a big fireplace. A great big festive fire. And you have to throw a waterbomb at it when another panda throws it. This is Panfu's advent calendar. There you will get an item everyday. Thank you for reading this. Have Fun!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Level machine is working today

Go down to the cave and boost up your level. It's working today.

P.S Tomorrow is the day the igloo is open. This shall be fun! 

PP.S There is a 30% discount on the 6 month gold membership for Panfu. Be quick tho, time is running out.  

The one and only, Damian101 

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Building the igloo in Panfu!

Hello everyone. Right now I am excited, the reasons why? 
Well, it's almost Christmas. Anddddddddd! We are building the ice iglooo in Panfu, just like last year too!

If you were playing Panfu last year you would know.

Well to start of with im going to be going through the building of the igloo. 
 I will add in pictures.

Here goes.