Hey guys.
Sorry for the lack of blog posts.
I feel much better now, I got the flu before.
I just have a sore throat and a little runny nose.
Today I felt like posting all the updates of blog posts I missed. But then my copy of CoD: Black Ops 2 came through the post from Amazon. I just couldn't resist to play it. I mean com'n on! Who can't resist shooting zombies heads off. And playing the campaign that continues from the first one.
And no. I don't go straight online on the Call of Duty franchise. I like to do the campaign first, then go online.
By the way, the campaign on Black Ops 2 is AMAZING!
You get to choose you're loadout, before starting the level. So if you like using a sniper rifle, then go ahead and choose it. Or if you like running in with a shotgun, then be my guest. It's just like setting up a class online. You choose a weapon and attachments, and perks...But on the story campaign. And yeah, you get perks on the campaign, how awesome is that?
I will actually record some gameplay on the xbox, and then upload it on here.
The other day, I finally got my capture card. A special little thing that records the screen on TV's.
But that won't be in a few weeks or so. And I might even do some other games too!
Anyway, moving from video games and back to what I should be talking about: Panfu!
Today is another great day to receive a gift from the tree-house.
Let's have a look what we have this week?
Halloween may have been and gone. But Halloween was 2 weeks ago on Wednesday. You never know if monster still could be out?
And have you notice that the giant robot in Panfu is moving around the Panfu island.
In the past few days, I have been taking pictures where the giant rebot has been.
Each day, the robot would change place. Like first it were at the Jungle, then it went to the Caribbean beach.
Now that the robot is at the Castle. Evron could do anything. I am guessing that tomorrow, something may happen...Could it be good...Or could it be bad?
We will all have to wait and see.
Oh yeah, last thing. I forgot to post the gift item from last week. The booster machine were also on too.
I know it's a bit late. (well, very late) But here it is!
I'm not too sure why Panfu called this item: Monster Loch Ness.
When it should be: Loch Ness Monster.
But at the end of the day. It's still pretty cool to have a little pond with a loch-ness monster...*CAUTION* Don't put you're fingers in the pond!
And here's the late picture of the booster machine.
That's about it for today.
Tomorrow I will post some more stuff. Like this weeks Where's Damian? And a new monthly blog poll.
Bye bye everybody!
The one and only. Damian101
P.S Panfu said in their blog that this Friday...Will be Gold Panda Day!
AKA for short terms. GP DAY!
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