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Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy Valentines Day (2013) + Animal Crossing: New Leaf US And Europe Release Date

Happy Valentines Day From Damian101

I hope you all have a LOVELY day!

To add a bit extra to this blog.
I have some brilliant news!
There is now an official release date for Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the US and Europe!
In the US, it comes out on June 9th 2013
And in Europe, it comes out on the 14th of June 2013.

*This picture were taken from Wikipedia*
I have been checking Wikipedia everyday.
And today the release date has been uploaded
I will keep you informed for the Australian release date.

Have a good day!
The one and only. Damian101


  1. Damn it!
    Europeans always get it last ;__;
    *sigh* Might as well cheat and order it from the US.... xD
    (Yes, I know i'm desperate for video games ^__^ Especailly Sonic... :) )

    1. I know.
      It would be good if it launched in all countries, on the same date. It would make it fair.
      And Sonic is a beast. He's awesome : )

    2. I know ^__^
      I've actually gone like super "collector-crazy" and went and "wished" alot of stuff on Amazon :D
      I have Sonic Slippers ^__^
      They don't make me go fast though..... (Rip-off -__-)
      But still, they're cute :)
      But my big question is... I wonder if Sonic will kinda like "stop" for romance? LOL. Actually, I want that to happen. It'd be cute ^__^
      Yay for SonAmy :) :) :) ^__^
      (Sonic is so freaking awesome ^__^)

    3. Hahaha, there's lots of Sonic stuff I've seen on Amazon too!
      I want them badly, but I don't want to spend all my money.
      Money sure is annoying.

  2. Hey Damian Haven't talked to you in a while.
    Anyway What cool hacks/cheats/or glitches can you do to my account. What I mean is that like you gave Deedstar 1000000 panda coins. What other things can you do?

    Thanks, Bye!


    1. Hey Cutey.

      I haven't found any more cheats, not really been doing any in a while.
      Yeah I gave deed some coins. That's easy and simple to do (The only easy cheat to do, without Panfu blocking it)
      Not too sure what else I can do.

      - Damian101

    2. Oh Okay
      It's Okay
      Thanks Bye!

