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Saturday, 27 April 2013

I Got A Refund Back From My Panfu Gold Membership

Hey guys

I'll show you the email in a sec; which Panfu sent to me
But first:
That's right, I got a refund back from my Panfu Gold Membership.

Remember ages ago on my blog, I kept posting things I were buying?
Basically I've been spending sooooo much, I'm now almost empty.

First: I got the Xbox 360 essentials pack. That were £24.99
Then, I got 13 month Gold Membership for Xbox (Yes, 13 months, not 12) That were £29.99
I got 800 microsoft points, that were £5. I didn't want a lot of points
I also got other stuff like games.
Things like Sonic the Hedgehog games etc. That came to around £40
I've also been buying some little things: like food, Birthday presents for friends and family etc.
That around £40
I also bought a little computer from a friend for £60
And soon, I'll be getting the ultimate edition of Defiance. That will be just over £60

For all of that it has came to £259.98
And if I add on my Panfu Gold Membership which were £49.90
It would come to £309.88!

And, soon I'll be pre-ordering Animal Crossing: New Leaf
That's going to be £29.99
Ahhhh, I can't be bothered to add it all up again.
But you can see how much I've spent! A LOT!

That's why I have asked Panfu to have a refund back, this is the email they sent me:

(That is my email address which is coloured in red. Just for safety reasons)
I thought that were nice of Panfu, 
Thank you very much, Panfu!
God Bless.

Yes, my Membership on Panfu has gone.
But to be honest. I don't really mind.
I mean, I can do hacks like to use the functions.
And the item hack is up and running again
So, yeah

I think I'll end this post now.
Bye bye

- The one and only, Damian101

Friday, 26 April 2013

Panfu Quiz (#3) + Booster Machine + New Furniture

Hey guys

Sorry for not posting anything yesterday.
I've been busy.
But, I have something to post this weekend. Something which I'm shocked at (And when I say "shocked", it's a good shocked, not a bad shocked.)

To start off which this post.
Here are some new quiz questions.
And underneath the questions will be the answers from last weeks quiz.

Question 1: How many cups are there at the Pirate Bar?
Question 2: How many surfboards can you find at the Caribbean Beach?
Question 3: How long do you have to wait to throw another pancake at the City?
Question 4: How many vehicles can you drive at the Race Track?
Question 5: What reward do you get when you reach level 11?

And here are the questions and answers from last week:

Question 1: What Colour Were The Skis In Panfu In December 2008?
Answer: Red

Question 2: Where In Panfu Can You Find A Vending Machine?
Answer: Beach

Question 3: What Is The Title Name Called Of Panfu's Version Of Google?
Answer: Poogle

Question 4: How Many Birds Can You Find At San FranPanfu?
Answer: 2

Question 5: How Many Horses Can You Find At The Pony Stable?
Answer: 2
(When I say Pony Stable, I mean just the horses in the right room. Not all the horses overall.)

And today the booster machine is active!

And yesterday, Panfu had launched some new furniture items.
They now go with the recent clothing items.

Pretty cool, but they aren't for me.
Looks like the type of low-life people who say SWAG and YOLO...(Can kids even have SWAG?)

Anyway. I'm going to end this post
I'll post something tomorrow.
Bye bye

- The one and only, Damian101

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Iris Has A Bad Eye! + Gift Machine

Hey guys

Today we find out what is going on with Napasapa...Or shall I say ,Iris: His little eye friend in his spaceship.

Before I go ahead and post the pictures, today, you'll find a fan in the gift machine.

A good way to keep cool in the Summer weather.
Now, on with the pictures.

To collect the slime: click and hold down. When the testglass is full, click on the frog once, and then the tube above your panda head will be filled up with slime.

And that's it.
Sorry that there were lots of pictures,
I sure hope Iris gets better soon!
Bye for now

- The one and only, Damian101