Hey guys
I'll show you the email in a sec; which Panfu sent to me
But first:
That's right, I got a refund back from my Panfu Gold Membership.
Remember ages ago on my blog, I kept posting things I were buying?
Basically I've been spending sooooo much, I'm now almost empty.
First: I got the Xbox 360 essentials pack. That were £24.99
Then, I got 13 month Gold Membership for Xbox (Yes, 13 months, not 12) That were £29.99
I got 800 microsoft points, that were £5. I didn't want a lot of points
I also got other stuff like games.
Things like Sonic the Hedgehog games etc. That came to around £40
I've also been buying some little things: like food, Birthday presents for friends and family etc.
That around £40
I also bought a little computer from a friend for £60
And soon, I'll be getting the ultimate edition of Defiance. That will be just over £60
For all of that it has came to £259.98
And if I add on my Panfu Gold Membership which were £49.90
It would come to £309.88!
And, soon I'll be pre-ordering Animal Crossing: New Leaf
That's going to be £29.99
Ahhhh, I can't be bothered to add it all up again.
But you can see how much I've spent! A LOT!
That's why I have asked Panfu to have a refund back, this is the email they sent me:
(That is my email address which is coloured in red. Just for safety reasons)
I thought that were nice of Panfu,
Thank you very much, Panfu!
God Bless.
Yes, my Membership on Panfu has gone.
But to be honest. I don't really mind.
I mean, I can do hacks like to use the functions.
And the item hack is up and running again
So, yeah
I think I'll end this post now.
Bye bye
- The one and only, Damian101
I'll show you the email in a sec; which Panfu sent to me
But first:
That's right, I got a refund back from my Panfu Gold Membership.
Remember ages ago on my blog, I kept posting things I were buying?
Basically I've been spending sooooo much, I'm now almost empty.
First: I got the Xbox 360 essentials pack. That were £24.99
Then, I got 13 month Gold Membership for Xbox (Yes, 13 months, not 12) That were £29.99
I got 800 microsoft points, that were £5. I didn't want a lot of points
I also got other stuff like games.
Things like Sonic the Hedgehog games etc. That came to around £40
I've also been buying some little things: like food, Birthday presents for friends and family etc.
That around £40
I also bought a little computer from a friend for £60
And soon, I'll be getting the ultimate edition of Defiance. That will be just over £60
For all of that it has came to £259.98
And if I add on my Panfu Gold Membership which were £49.90
It would come to £309.88!
And, soon I'll be pre-ordering Animal Crossing: New Leaf
That's going to be £29.99
Ahhhh, I can't be bothered to add it all up again.
But you can see how much I've spent! A LOT!
That's why I have asked Panfu to have a refund back, this is the email they sent me:

(That is my email address which is coloured in red. Just for safety reasons)
I thought that were nice of Panfu,
Thank you very much, Panfu!
God Bless.
Yes, my Membership on Panfu has gone.
But to be honest. I don't really mind.
I mean, I can do hacks like to use the functions.
And the item hack is up and running again
So, yeah
I think I'll end this post now.
Bye bye
- The one and only, Damian101
if you can plz, ima little girl thats wants to show off to every snobby rich panda on the site, a one month gold membership would be the best! Im not a member of your team, althought i do pay attention to your blog, if u need my password and stuff dont bother just send the code to my email. starrkymberlee@gmail.com THANX