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Friday, 25 January 2013

Gold Panda Day + Gift Machine

Hell...O Everyone.

Sorry for making this post late.
I came online around 10:00PM.
Soon as I came online to get pictures for the blog.
Everyone flew to me in the quite server.
I were hanging with:

And I can't remember who else. Sorry if I forgot anyone. There were a few.

As you may know, today is Gold Panda Day....Well was.

And the gift machine is active...Well was.

I were going to take a few pictures when I were with my friends.
But I still have this slow Windows 2000 computer. And it's not good for playing games. 
The only picture I took were this.

I did the tornado. Then did a fart. And the fart appeared infront of me then to the left.a little. 

I'm just going to make this post a bit short today. So no video this week.
Wrap up warm!

The one and only. Damian101

P.S. You know how I have done hacks/cheats on Panfu?
Well recently I have been making mods on Xbox.
Mods and Hacks are completely different. 
A mod for example. Is when you make something become more powerful/better. Like throwing lots of slimebombs in Panfu. That's a mod. Hacking is when you do something to gain access to something which is locked or protected. Like those PS3 hackers who took control of the network.
I'm NOT going to be making any hacks what-so-ever on Xbox. You get banned really quickly. When you hack, Xbox know that you're hacking. It comes up as a alert.
Once you get banned off Xbox. That's it! You don't get the account back. 
It's not like Panfu, how you send them an email saying stuff like "I'll be good." or "It wasn't me. It were my brother!" If you hack then you get banned.
But in certain games you can make mods and you won't get done for them. 
Like on Dead Island. I made a mod where a gun has infinite ammo, and kills zombies in one bullet. Cool right?