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Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year! (2013)

Happy New Year Everyone!
So much has happened in 2012.
Let's have a little brief look of what has happened:

Here in the UK. It has been a rememberable year in 2012. 
  • The Queens Diamond Jubilee  
  • The London Olympics 2012
  • ...We figured out that Jimmy Saville were a pedophile...

And so much has happened in other places.
For example:
  • President Obama became the president for another 4 more years.
  • Hurricane Sandy hitting America.
  • Felix Baumgartner skydives from a high of 39 kilometers. (That will never be forgotten)
  • Curiosity Rover landed on Mars. (That will also never be forgotten)
  • All that war stuff going on in the Eastern area of the world.
And much much more!

Let's all have a good New Year.
Anything bad that's happened in 2012. Put all of it aside.
We are all in a New Year now, and it's a new fresh start.
Let's have a good'en' everyone!
Let's see what will happen this year...?

The one and only. -Damian101

P.S. Don't forget to get voting on the new poll. You have a month to get you're votes in.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hi Bro its me Pintuska Im creating new blog Puffle Blog Wanna see it?
