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Friday, 4 January 2013

I Finally Got My Xbox Live Gold Membership & Something Else

Hey guys.

I know that Xbox and Panfu are two completely different subjects.
But it's something just to fill the blog. Considering I don't have any pictures for today's 'Picture Time'
But today I got my 13 months Gold Membership in the post, from Amazon.
I've been having fun with it.

But then my wireless controller sort of broke a bit.
My left analog stick went to the left just slightly.
So then I had to go and buy a new controller.
I had a look at Argos. (One of the UK's biggest stores for almost anything. Accept food and drink. Like furniture, toys, electrical items, etc.)
The wireless controller is £24.99. It is on offer. It should cost £31.99 in Argos.
But then I saw this thing called "Xbox Essentials Pack".

-It comes with a wireless controller, HDMI cable, Xbox media remote and 3 months Gold Membership.
It SHOULD, cost £48.96 for the essentials pack.
But it is on offer for £34.99

This is the best part. If I bought all these items seperatly, it would have come to a pretty expensive price.
The controller costs £31.99 (On offer it is £24.99
The HDMI cable costs £17.99
The Xbox media remote costs £14.99
And the 3 months Gold Membership costs £14.99

In total it would have come to: £79.96. (That is if the controller is at £31.99. If it were £24.99 it would come to: £72.96)

So as you can see I got a really good deal. All of that at £34.99.

I were suppose to just get the controller. 
But for an extra £10 I would get 3 more items. I just couldn't refuse that.

So now my Gold Membership on Xbox Live will not end until 4th May 2014. I now have 16 months Gold Membership. And some awesome items.
I spent £29.99 on 13 months Gold Membership. And £34.99 on an essentials pack. £64.98 I've spent in the last few days...But then again I need it.

Then when I got home, I fixed the controller...Never mind. I need another controller. I only have one. Now I have 2...Now I can play 2-player without having to tell my friends to bring their remote controller.

I think that about covers that...Story.
Bye bye

The one and only. Damian101


  1. Hey Damian. my friend is about to get a xbox, too, so im wondering what this gold membership on xbox live is actually for?

    1. Gold Membership for Xbox is just like Panfu Membership. You get access to more things. But on an Xbox. You get to do lots more. You get to play online (And playing online is REALLY FUN! You get to play against people from around the world. And/or talk to them.)

      You can join/host Xbox Live parties.
      An Xbox party is where you can join into a chat group. So you can talk to lots of people. It's mainly used for friends in real life. Instead of random on Xbox.

      And you can also use the Apps on the Xbox Market place. You can use YouTube, Internet Explorer. And may more apps.

      The Gold Membership is a GOOD thing to have.
      Hope this answered you're question.

    2. oh yh damian do you have a wii if yes I will give you my wii number

    3. yea thank you, this is definitely answering my question.
      im not sure if my friend is actually going to go online and i guess you do not need a membership if you are not going online.
      anyway thank you lots.

  2. Damian can you still give me the rare items since Dipuzaman is banned for no reason I have to use _Dipuzaman_ and can you also give me the glow and level 54 back thx
    BTW I am not a gold member so can you do it if I am not a gold member

    1. I can't sorry Dip.
      The cheat doesn't work anymore. Because of all the Germans now doing the cheat. Panfu have found out. And they patched it. When I go to get an item. It logs you out automatically. If I find another way to get the items. I PROMISE, I will let you know, and will get you items. And the level/achievement cheat no longer works. I don't know if that will ever work AGAIN :( Sorry dips. I'm pissed off with it as much as you are with you're accounts being deleted. Sorry :(

    2. XC looks like I will have to rebuild Dipuzaman in _Dipuzaman_ get all achievements and level up as fast as i could thank for trying to help me it meand alot :)

  3. You're so lucky, membership for like ages. ;D My GP was for 3 month but I forgot when it ends. ;P Sometime soon..

    I mean - Panfu HAD to get a propeller hat because I decided on a look that would make me look awesome after my GP ran out, but now I wanna be a awesome flying panda. X_X; Curse you Panfu.. Curse you.

  4. You're so lucky, membership for like ages. ;D My GP was for 3 month but I forgot when it ends. ;P Sometime soon..

    I mean - Panfu HAD to get a propeller hat because I decided on a look that would make me look awesome after my GP ran out, but now I wanna be a awesome flying panda. X_X; Curse you Panfu.. Curse you.

    1. It sure is lucky. I would get the Membership for Panfu. But I don't go on Panfu as much as I used to. And it's fricken expensive for the membership. If I do get it. It will be when it is half priced.

      I wished I had the hat too. I would have done the item cheat to get it. But it doesn't fricken work no more. I really wanted that hat :(

    2. Panfu has gone mad so what if we use cheats its not like it will create a hole in the space-time continuum If panfu wants to get players thay got to put it the way it was
