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Saturday 12 November 2011

Christmas tree in panfu

If you go to your tree house you will see that there is a big Christmas tree in there (as it is almost Christmas) But. Last year when it were Christmas in Panfu we got the same tree around the same time too. And in the jungle of panfu we had to help manny build the igloo from the frozen ice at the swimming pool. When it were build and ready for 1st December, it was a magical ice wonderland. There were lost of chairs and tables made out of ice, music playing (the music at the pirate island) lights, And there were a giant fireplace. 

Everyday you had to throw a snowball at the fire, but you needed at least 2 pandas to throw it at the fire at the same time to claim you're prize. Everyday you got a decoration to put on the Christmas tree and a special item like a Christmas item for your tree, or a costume and even backgrounds.

This year should be fun in Panfu. I can't wait. We should be getting some nice gifts. I will show you a picture of my Christmas tree from last year with the decorations. And a picture of the tree this year. they are both the same. 



I hope everyone will have fun. i will report more when it's closer to December.
 Bye for now.

The one and only, Damian101