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Sunday 20 November 2011

The igloo is here!

Hello everyone. As you may know we have been helping manny get sheets of ice from the swimming pool. 
Well today is the day when the igloo is all done! Today you can go inside the igloo at the Jungle.
And and andddd... It's just like last year, nothing is different about it. I think that's a good thing to me because it's like a memory coming back to my mind. Here are some pictures of what I took.

 One last thing. You see the bit in the igloo where i am stood.... Well when it's the 1st of December that part of the igloo will be a big fireplace. A great big festive fire. And you have to throw a waterbomb at it when another panda throws it. This is Panfu's advent calendar. There you will get an item everyday. Thank you for reading this. Have Fun!


  1. Hi, I am a new blogger, and u have a such great blog, I would like to meet u in panfu Damian, and also Kristina and xprincesspandax the famous girl who wrote in panfu blog with max and Ella, and blaze and all ur friends, bye :), <3

  2. o.o hopefully that happens this winter i wasn't around for even a year on panfu! (i joined club penguin because i thought THAT was the one with the pool panfu does turns out it was panfu but i didn't know of panfu until i was six LOL)
