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What Super Power Would You Have?

Monday 19 December 2011


You may know that it is almost Christmas! I can't wait. What is everyone getting this year for Christmas?
To make it even more festive, there is now snow in Panfu. Just like every year in Panfu it always snow. Christmas isn't Christmas without snow.

Log into Panfu now, you will see a winter wonderland!
Hope you have fun. 
And remember the swimming pool slide has frozen; aswell of the water. 

Bye everyone.
The one and only, Damian101

P.S Remember to wear warm clothing when going out in the snow. You don't want to be ill on Christmas day!


  1. how did ya get tht hat!!

  2. Got it from the gift machine on Saturday 17th December 2011. It's called 'pompom head' lol

    The one and only, Damian101
