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Thursday 27 October 2011

New costumes in Panfu

Hello everyone. 

If you go to Paul the kid in his room he will tell you about new costumes in Panfu that you can get for FREE and you DON'T have to be a gold member to by and wear them.

ANYONE can buy and wear them. So go to the clothes catalouge and you can buy 2 costumes. One for boys and one for girls. 

The costumes are Mike wazowski and Celia from monsters inc. I got both of them considering they are both free and you don't have to be gold to wear them.

Go and collect them if you haven't already.

The one and only, Damian101

P.S Halloween is this Monday. Dose anyone have their trick or treating outfit yet. Or are you going to a Halloween party. 


  1. >:( Damian, were they for a limited time only >:(

    1. Yeah I guess so. Because the WALL-E, and the Alice In Wonderland ones just went. And these ones...Shame though, they were great!

    2. o.o why dont they bring them back?! (wait a min maybe they will THIS Halloween!)

    3. I'm not too sure, I would love it if they did bring them back (especially for Halloween)
