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Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Gift Time (37) + Cyborg Furniture + Panfu Easter News

Afternoon everyone!

I'm really looking forward for Easter. Especially when Panfu has an Easter quest, they're really fun!
Last year there were a little Easter egg hunt and at the end you were given a rare Rainbow Bolly.
I know what will be happening this year. If you don't want to know and keep it a secret, then just skip ahead.

There will be another Easter egg hunt. You have to find 9 eggs, which are scattered around Panfu.
There are a few prizes to be given out too...Like Easter Bunny ears is one of them.
That will be happening in Panfu very soon!
I'm really looking forward to it.

Moving on: 
This weeks Gold Panda Gift is a Popcorn machine.

What is your favourite kind of popcorn?
I like buttered.
Oh and next week's Gold Panda Gift will be a Slushy Machine. Yum Yum Yummmm.

And to match the Cyborg clothing, now there is Cyborg furniture.

Which also reminds me, the next set of furniture will be the Orc and Elf furniture set.
That's all for today.
Bye byeeeeee

The one and only, Damian101

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