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Saturday, 23 March 2013

Panfu's Easter Egg Hunt 2013 (Egg #4) + My Original Panfu Outfit

Morning everyone!

After finding today's Egg, there will only be 5 Eggs to find!

At first I thought the Library. I know that's a comfy place to go to, but there isn't any sort of stand...
But then I knew where it was.
The Race Track.

When it said "stand", I thought it would have been on that Golden Podium.
But there it was, sitting on one of those seats.

Race Track

And now to show you all what my original Panfu outfit is...
No one guessed it right. Then again, who could?


I don't know what I were thinking?
But back then, that were a GREAT look!
Many people liked it. A space rocking, guitar playing astronaut. 
It looks way better on the original Panda look...:(
(A few years ago. There were no gender on Panfu. Everyone looked the same. But the Pandas looked sooooo cute!)

I'll post some pictures tomorrow of those new cheats I found.
Bye byeeeeeee

- The one and only, Damian101

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