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Saturday, 16 March 2013

Writing Mistake On Panfu + Polish Panfu Chat Is Now Locked

Howdy y'all!

You know when it gets to a certain time on Panfu; the chat becomes locked.
Well last night everyone were using the ''Safe Chat''
And I noticed that one of the words had a missing letter.


Please fogive me! ???

I were going to post it last night before I went to bed. But I really hate posting more than one post a day.
Pretty strange?

I bet other Panfu bloggers will post this in their blog now lol.

Oh yes, and today is the end of that countdown thing on the Polish Panfu.
The chat has become locked.

Bye bye

- The one and only, Damian101


  1. Great. Now everyone is deleting his account on Polish Panfu or creating the new account on English. And nobody knows, WHY?

  2. Hey damian guess what I GOT CHEAT ENGINE

    I am rich now thanks to a comment you gave to cutey so anyway I ONLY KNOW HOW TO DO THE MONEY HACK but I want to do things like the slime hack can you tell me how


    1. Hey Dip Dips

      Hope you have fun with CE.
      There's lots of stuff you can do with it.
      It can be a bit tricky at first.

      - Damian101

  3. Hey Damian '
    Thank you for your help with the Cheat Engine Thing. I figured out how to do it!
    Now I have LOTS of coins.


    1. Hey Cutey.

      No problem, glad to help out.
      Have fun with CE :)

      - Damian101

  4. I got CE but now i can't ge to it without some program called winzip and i dont know my username or pass to winzip. i cant use it!

    1. I never got that from CE?
      Did you get CE from the official website?

      - Damian101


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