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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Panfu's Easter Egg Hunt 2013 (Egg #1) + Gift Machine

Well howwwwwdy!

I can't believe Panfu are starting the Easter Egg Hunt early this year!

I'm also ready and suited up for the Easter Egg Hunt.

Before I go ahead and post the weekly quest:
Today the gift machine is active. (You don't want to miss out on the gift machine now do you?)

Awww yeah, build up those muscles with these Dumbbells.

Okay, here is the quest/location for the Easter Egg Hunt.

I thought the Egg would have been at the Castle. Instead it's at the City.


And that's it for today.
Tomorrow there will be another Easter Egg, hidden somewhere on Panfu.
There will be a total of 9 Eggs to find.
Good luck and have fun!

- The one and only, Damian101
P.S. Panfu spelt "Glass" wrong in their blog. 
They put "Glas". They didn't add another "S".

I'm not being mean or anything. I just thought I would point it out.
Even I make mistakes on my blog.

P.P.S. Which Easter background do you like best?

This One?

Or This One?
I like the second one with the Bunny in the background.


  1. I like the first background best and, I love how you move in every screenshot. haha

    1. I might change it back to the first one.
      I do like the second one, but now when I look at it, I just think it looks a bit girly.

      And I like to move in each shot. I don't want all the pictures looking the same. : )

      - Damian101

  2. lol i thought the castle too

  3. i think the second background because it is cute and also i have it so then we could be matching i guess..... :)

    1. Oh yeah. I think you got your background from the Expert Question!

      - Damian101

  4. That's actually not so weird that it says glas and not glass, since you say glas for glass in both Swedish and German ;P. Random fact; If you say "I like to eat glass" in Swedish, that means "I like to eat ice cream" C:


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