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Sunday, 10 March 2013

It's Mothers Day! (Mothering Sunday)

Today is Mothers Day!

I think Mothers Day is celebrated at different times at different countries.
I'm not too sure what it's all about, but I guess it's to appreciate all the work your mothers have done.
A day where mums are under the spotlight.

There is also something called Fathers Day. Just like Mothers Day, but instead the dad is under the spotlight.
Fathers Day is in June. (June the 13th...I think?)
Anyway, have a good Sunday!

- The one and only, Damian101


  1. Umm Damian Mother's Day is actually on Sunday, May 12th. Maybe you got mixed up because both months start with M and on a Sunday.


  2. Or maybe it's Mother's Day where you live in the United Kingdom?

    -Cutey584 (again)

    1. Yeah it's Mothers Day here in the UK. I looked it up on the internet, and noticed it were celebrated at different times in different countries.

      - Damian101(again lol)

    2. OKay Then
      And P.S I only said 'Cutey584 (again)' because I left a comment and then like after 2 minutes I left another one :)


    3. Yeah I know : )

      I said it too just for a little joke (Not a funny joke either lol)

      - Damian101

  3. You're right. Mother's Day in Poland is celebrated on May the 26th :)

    1. wow.
      There really is a lot of different dates in different countries.

  4. Not too sure when Mothers day is here in Norway.... But its around March? Somewhere around there :)

    1. Sweet.
      So not long for Mothers Day in Norway then.

      - Damian101


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