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What Super Power Would You Have?

What Super Power Would You Have?

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Winner From Old Poll + New Poll

Hey guys.

Like I said, I'll post a new poll on the blog.
I were suppose to put it on like a month ago, but I've been really busy.

The question for the old poll were:
What Do You Like BEST About Panfu?

And the winner with 13 votes out of 25 were: Talking To Friends.

The new poll is up and ready at the top of the blog.
You have from now and the end of July to get voting.
The question for the new poll is: What Super Power Would You Have?
Remember: You can use multiple ticks when choosing you're answer.

I voted to have Super Speed (So I can run like Sonic The Hedgehog). The power to turn into anything (Then I could turn into Sonic The Hedgehog). And then the ability to fly. (Because when Sonic The Hedgehog turns into Super Sonic, he can fly)

Good luck!
- The one and only, Damian101

P.S. My Animal Crossing: New Leaf should be here a week today!
It comes out next Friday!
I'm soooooo excited!


  1. Great! More than a half of answers were ,,talking to friends". But we can't talk to friends in Poland!

  2. Damian guess what i just figured out you can do hacks on the the Nintendo Ds/3DS with a channel called the Homebrew channel (the same channel I use for my Wii) you can do stuff like get free stuff such as games why don't you go on youtube and search How to get the homebrew Channel on the Nintendo DS or a 3DS if you have one

    NOTE: the homebrew Channel is an unapproved channel from Nintedo so be careful

    1. Hey dip dips.
      Yeah, I used homebrew for my wii a few years ago.
      I used it for Animal Crossing.
      I put hundreds of rocks everywhere, able to walk on water and go out of the map, and much more. I haven't used it in a while though.
      I don't know if I'll use it for my 3DS.

      - Damian101
