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Monday, 31 December 2012

Poll Winner [December 2012]

In just under 1 hour it will be 2013!

Can't believe today is the last day of 2012.
And the last day of December for another year.

I will add in Today's 'Where's Damian?' tomorrow with 'Gift Time'

So here's the winner of this months poll...

The question were...
"What do you like BEST about Christmas?"

In 11th place is "Nothing At All". With 3 votes.
In 10th place is "I Do Not Celebrate Christmas" with 6 votes.
In 9th place is "Receiving Christmas Cards" with 8 votes.
In 8th place is "Other" with 9 votes.
In joint 7th place is "Advent Calenders" and "Christmas Music" with 11 votes each.
In shared 6th place is "Playing In The Snow". "Decorations". "Christmas Dinner". And "Watching Christmas Films" with 12 votes each.
In joint 5th place is "Spending Time With Family". And "Putting Up The Christmas Tree" with 15 votes.
In 4th place is "Seeing Everyone Having Fun" with 15 votes.
In 3rd place is "Snow" with 16 votes.
In 2nd place is "Presents" with 22 votes.
And in 1st place is "EVERYTHING!" with 39 votes (Over half of the voters, voted for this.)

I can't believe 6 of the voters out of 60, don't celebrate Christmas!
Christmas is the best! If you don't have Christmas when you are growing up. You're childhood is practically dead! (Seriously, Christmas is just amazing)

There is a new poll waiting for you near the top of the page. You have another month to get voting.
Bye bye!

The one and only. -Damian101

Sunday, 30 December 2012

50 Blog Followers + 24,716 Views + 698 Comments

Happy Holidays Everyone

Just a little blog report here.
And Thank YOU! to all 50 people that have followed my blog. (There is 51 followers, but I am excluding myself)

Thank You:
G Mod
Ciara Hoey
Sammy Suarez
Greyson Panda
Panfu Dipuzaman
Tobie Nucholson
Panfu Cutey584
Valeria Roman
adin rasheedi
SpongeBob Lover
Panfu Cutefunnyandlove
Baylee Holder
Star Reporters
Afroza Ruma
Hristikan Mihajlovic

Thank you to all of those who have followed my blog.
I will do another one of these when I reach 100 followers!

My blogs views has hit an amazing: Twentyfour Thousand, Sevenhundred and Seventeen views. AND COUNTING!

And 698 people have commented on my blog!

Thank you everyone. 
And I will do work on my blog.
(Not a big change because I want to leave it how it is.)
But if you have any thoughts you will like to tell me. Let me know.

Bye bye!

The one and only. -Damian101

P.S. I can't wait for the new Animal Crossing on Nintendo 3DS.
When it is available to pre-order. I am so going to order it : )

Saturday, 29 December 2012

New Year's Party + Confetti (Yesterday's Post)


I were suppose to post this yesterday.
But I just couldn't be bothered. 
Gold Panda Day were on, I didn't really go online though yesterday.

Now that it is close to New Year. We can all throw confetti.

Also the gift machine were on yesterday. 
It were that horseshoe thing.

And if you go to the Ballroom, like last year, there is a party.

I got my outfit ready for New Year...

Just my normal outfit...But with a New Year's hat on instead.

Happy New Year Everyone!
The one and only. Damian101

P.S. Can people please quit copying each others blog. I'm the one who gets the blame how "Apperently I started copying first" If anything everyone copied me with the friends list. Having pictures and then a caption about them. I never copied anyone's blog. I just went along with my blog design. I still need to do lots of work on my blog. And I've been blogging for over a year and a half.

P.P.S. There is only 1 day left to vote on the poll.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

My Friend Code For Nintendo 3DS

I hope you've all had a jolly good Christmas!
Soon it will be New Year.
I've not got much to say on this blog post.

But to anyone who has a Nintendo 3DS. And might want to add my on the Friends List.
Well here is my Friend Code...


If you do add me. Make sure to let me know who you are.
If you wish to tell me yours. Put it in the comment section below. (And if you wish no one else to see the Friend Code. Say in comment that you don't want me to publish the comment.)

Happy Holidays!

The one and only. Damian101

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone! + No More Advent Gifts + No More Christmas Tree? + Gift Time (28)

Happy Christmas Everyone!

Hope you all are having fun with the presents you got! 
I know I am. I got the Nintendo3DS.

There is no longer any gifts to collect at the igloo.
The Gingerbread man is gone! He never even said goodbye.

When I went to the Jungle, I noticed the Christmas tree were gone?

The Jungle seems so much bigger, now that the tree isn't there.
Not too sure why it's gone on Christmas day though?
Who takes down a Christmas tree, on Christmas day?

And now for today's gold gift.

Pretty good.
It doesn't do much though.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of Christmas.

Oh and spoiler alert!
I know what will be happening on New Years Eve in Panfu.
I think it will be like in 2010.
Where the reward is a horseshoe. And you collect some sort of "Lucky Pig"

And another spoiler alert!
In a few days. Panfu will be back the snowboarding outfit rewards.
There hasn't been any of them since 2009!
Basically you get these rare items.
A snowboarder jacket, goggles, and something else.

So yeah.
Bye bye everyone. And Merry Christmas!

The one and only. Damian101

P.S. Thank goodness for GP day this Friday.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas Eve! + 24th Of December 2012 Advent Gift

One more night to sleep everyone!

I started writing this post at 2:43PM
Anyone who lives in Australia, it is already Christmas for them...Well right now it is 1:43AM for them. So in a few hours they will be opening their presents!

And talk about presents.
Today's Advent gift.

About time.
The Rudolph costume. 

I'm not going to post today's 'Where's Damian?'
I'm a bit tired. I had to do the late Christmas shopping today.
And I won't be online from now until maybe New Years Eve.

So I'll see you all soon.
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas. And a Happy New Year.
(This year sure has been quick)

The one and only. Damian101

P.S. You have under 6 days left to vote on the poll.
The poll is near the very top of the page.
If you haven't voted ready, then get voting! Please?

Sunday, 23 December 2012

23rd Of December 2012 Advent Gift

Yay! It's Christmas Eve tomorrow!

Not much to say today.
So here is today's Advent gift.

Finally, the Santa sack.

Pretty good.
Okay bye bye.

The one and only. Damian101

Saturday, 22 December 2012

22nd Of December 2012 Advent Gift + Cave Wall Glitch

Hey guys.

Thank you everyone who have been telling me what they are annoyed at with Panfu.

Rosey675 has told me: "panfu blocks me all the time which is getting ANNOYING. sometimes im just standing there when they block me for a WHOLE DAY.

Smoshy18 said: I feel like Panfu is getting worse.. I have been deactivated 4 times!! Two times because I was speaking in Swedish, one time for no reason at all and another tine for having a  "inappropriate" name when there was absolutely nothing wrong with it X_X. I mean, I like Panfu and all but cheesus that's just ridiculous ;__;.

There were more comments. I just picked two at random.
Thank you everyone who commented.

Today's Advent gift, has to be the worse gift of all. (Not saying that in like a spoiled, greedy and ungrateful way.) 

Take a look.

That's right. It's one of those download things. 
When you click on the red cross, a new page will load up. And there will be 4 pages, with those cut-outs. 
And if you are someone that doesn't have a printer. (Like me. Well, I have one. There just isn't any ink.)
Well you can't use it.

The only reason why I say it is the worse. That's because my printer doesn't have any ink.
So yeah.
Moving on to this weeks wall glitch.
Today, it is at the Cave.

So this is what the steps look like.
Stand on the left corner of the platform.

Then walk to the right corner of the platform.

Then just click once somewhere on the wall.

The best thing about this glitch would be the rocks at the top. And the rock in the bottom left corner. You can hide in them. You go behind the rocks.

The area where it is red is where you can hide.

And you can also go behind the gift machine.

Hope you have fun with this glitch. It's one of my favourite places to hide in. It's also perfect for hide and seek.

I'm going to go and open my Advent calender. Not opened it yet.
Happy Holidays!

The one and only. Damian101

P.S. I can't wait for Christmas! Only 3 more sleeps to go!

Friday, 21 December 2012

21st Of December 2012 Advent Gift + Gift & Booster Machine + Panfu Gold Membership Discount + Video Time (22) & Some Bad News:( *UPDATE*

Hey guys.

Excuse the long title for this blog post.

To start this post off: I am very shocked to see how many people have been commenting on my blog post, before this. I were saying how much Panfu is getting annoying. Like deleting people for no reason.
Lot's of people have been saying that they're annoyed too. And that they've been deleted for nothing!
Like what Dipuzaman said that he were deleted for mentioning his blog link.
(I know that Panfu don't allow Pandas to mention other websites, because Panfu won't be able to give you safety. But in all fairness, Panfu can't authorise that sort of stuff.)
If you are annoyed about Panfu. Post you're information in the comment section below. 
Or tell me on Panfu. I would love to hear what's on you're minds!

Okay moving on.
Here is today's Advent gift.

Pretty cool.
And not only that. But the gift machine and booster machine are active today.

And it doesn't end there
From now, until Sunday.
The Gold Membership prices are now half price!

And finally.
This weeks video.
I'll just post some Christmas songs.

The first song is a classic old song.
I do NOT own this video. All rights go to emimusic

The second song is also an oldish one. This is also a classic.
I do NOT own this video. All rights go to abcdefdjykj

Fairytale of NewYork is also another great Christmas song.
I do NOT own this video. All rights go to RhinoUK

Let's but one more song in. How about Band Aid...Not the plaster thing you put on when you have a cut. But seriously. This is a GREAT song!
I do NOT own this video. All rights go to 80smusicfanman

Hope you all have a Happy Christmas!
4 more days to go!

The one and only. Damian101

P.S. Did you know that today (21st December) is the shortest day of the year. Basically today is the day where we get the least amount of sun. You won't recognise it. But after today and onwards. It will begin to get lighter and lighter. Ready for Summer! But it will take a good month or two, to actually notice that the sun is up at later times.

P.P.S. To anyone who believe that today were going to end...Do you feel stupid at all...?
Not in a mean way or anything. But do you feel a whee' bit...Stupid...?

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Some Bad News : (

What's going on guys?

This is my second blog post of today.
But I have some news to tell you all.

I'm soooo pissed off right now.
Panfu has actually gotten worse and worse.

First they have actually deactivated TeddyRulz2002's account.
A friend of mine in Panfu.
Teddy wrote about it in her blog. Click right HERE! to see what she said.
If teddy doesn't get her account Back, she said she might be leaving forever! (unless her dad can make her another account)

Second. Panfu have actually put up a "Protection" code.
Basically I can NO longer get any more items in Panfu.
When I go to do the item cheat. It logs you off automatically. Stopping you from getting any items, what-so-ever.
Me and all the German Pandas are ANNOYED!

And not only that. But I were meant to get all you guys some items. And now I can't!
Look I'm sorry guys. It's not me. It's Panfu. And I deleted all the comments with anyone's Password in them. This is all what is left in my "Awaiting Moderation" section with any comments... Feel free to change you're passwords, and no, I didn't do this to steal anyone's Panfu account. I have my own accounts.

There is one comment from someone who is suppose to be kept secret. It's one of my German friends. 
As you can see there is only 1 comment.

Why can't Panfu be like it were years ago.
Back then, there always were 2 servers which is completely full...
The last time I saw a full server in the English Panfu, that were over a year ago!

Seriously, Panfu is pissing me right off.
They hate me for some reason (I guess for doing cheats)
Like when some of my friends say my name. They get warnings from moderators. 
It's almost like I am a jinx.
But anyway, yeah. Panfu is bloody annoying.
A bit ago I were actually thinking about leaving Panfu...
It's just pissing me off...BIG TIME!
But I will wait though. Maybe give it a few months, just to see if Panfu gets a bit better.

See you later everyone
Happy Holidays!

The one and only. Damian101

P.S. When Panfu reached their 5th Birthday.
Soon in Panfu, their will be a special Panfu hat, and a Balloon.
The hat has a fan on it, which spins.

20th Of December 2012 Advent Gift

Hey guys.

This is going to be a short post today.
I currently don't have any pictures for this weeks 'Picture Time'
I forgot to take some pictures.

This is actually the last background for this Christmas. 
A total of 3 backgrounds.

Pretty sweet.
And it's almost Christmas!
I can't believe it's the 20th already.
Getting so much closer.

The one and only. Damian101

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