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Thursday, 13 December 2012

Be Smarter Is Back (Thank You Greyson34) + Actual Snow Falling In Panfu?

Hey guys. Again.
Special thank you to Greyson34 who told me that the Be Smarter quiz is back!

I'm guessing that has not long been their.
I went to San FranPanfu to day about 4:10PM, and it wasn't their.

You may have noticed that it is much different, and much smaller.
It looks like those arcade machines.
When playing the game, it is also different. Let's take a look.

There is also a score record for the person to do it in the fastest time. And to get all the answers right.
I am guessing the score changes monthly. Congratulations to HarryStylz.

And also when you go to places in Panfu.
After a few seconds, you see snow falling!

This is truly magical!
Bye for now...

The one and only. Damian101

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