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Sunday, 2 December 2012

2nd Of December 2012 Advent Gift + Sneak Peek At This Years Skis

Hey guys.

I will blog all of the advent gifts on this blog.
Each and everyday.
Until there is no more items left.

Many of you have told me "Is there any skis this year"
Panfu ALWAYS, make skis when it''s Christmas time.
The skis are one of the last gifts in the advent.
And if no one wants to know what they look like, then look away. or close the page down haha)

This year they are purple

Me and my naked panda body.

Anyway, on with today's gift:

Today from the gingerbread man, you'll get...

A sweet Christmas tree outfit.
Now you can be like the Christmas tree in the Jungle!

But that Christmas tree is much bigger!

Bye for now.
The one and only. Damian101


  1. Lol...naked panda body.

    And by the way, I love the star on top of the Christmas Tree costume.

    1. Hey grey grey.

      Thank you very much.
      I do try to keep my star looking shiny, haha.

  2. How you get the skis so fast o.o

    1. I don't actually have them.
      For some reason when I do the clothes cheat, the items don't stay in my inventory.
      They just last until I log out.


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