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Saturday, 15 December 2012

15th Of December 2012 Advent Gift + Jungle Wall Glitch

Hey guys.

I can't believe how many people have been commenting for me to get them items.
I have already been on 5 panda accounts, just to get them some items. Haha.
I hope you are all happy with the items, some of those are really old!

And what doesn't get old, is today's advent gift...

Not too sure what this is. But it's something Christmas-like!

And now for this weeks glitch.
Today's glitch is at the Jungle.

To do this glitch. Stand somewhere near the 'Cloud Number 9' sign. 
And basically just keep walking around near it. 

Something a bit like this...

Don't double click.
Just do single clicks when you walk about. 
Try clicking somewhere near the owl. 
You should hopefully just walk right up on the wall...

Just be patient with this one. It could take a few times. 
But it does work. And when you are in the glitch. You can hide where the bamboo is on the right. Or in the big leaves on the left.

The one and only. Damian101

P.S. When you comment me you're password and username in Panfu.
I DON'T post the comment so that everyone can see it.
I keep the comment(S) in the "Awaiting Moderation" part. 
Only I will see the comment. And the comment will be deleted when I'm done.


  1. Thanks Damian! Your the best. I'm happy with the things you got for me. sorry I have sooo much stuff hehe.

    By the way, I have no idea what the heck the advent gift is supposed to be either. I wish they told you what it was like they do the things you get from the prize machine

    1. You're most certainly welcome grey grey : )

      Yeah it would be good if it did tell you.
      I have no idea what it is hahahha.

  2. I think it's an ornament chair or table


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