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Monday, 10 December 2012

10th Of December 2012 Advent Gift + Snow In Panfu (2012) + Cutey584 Is Back + Where's Damian? (25) + New Cheat!

Ho Ho, Fricken Ho Everyone!

I woke up this morning to find that snow is now in Panfu!

We can't throw snowballs just yet. Maybe tomorrow we will be able to use them. Panfu needs to upload it on. Also. This year, you can still use the slide and diving board at the Swimming Pool. 
As it is iced over, before Panfu made it so you couldn't use it throughout the Winter.
But now you can use it still.

And remember a few days ago. 
I said. "There will be snow in panfu around 12th December. It could be later or a bit earlier?"
well on the 10th of December 2012. There is now snow.
I'm excited to know that it worked.
I also found a new cheat too.
Now I can write anything in my Panda Profile in Panfu...Yes...ANYTHING!

This is what it says in my motto now.

I will change it when I get into Panfu.
I just put something quick. 
as you can see. I put 101 in the motto. Cool ey?
And no...It isn't fake.
I take pride in my cheats.
I wouldn't ever fake anything like that. I am an honest person.

Anyway, now with today's advent gift

I now have 3 Christmas trees.

Almost done now.
This weeks Where's Damian?
Last week I were...

At the cave.
An anonymous person commented saying I were in the booster machine.
Very close though. 

But where oh where am I this week? 
I'll say where I am next week. Followed with a new location. 
I sure hope you can see what's on the picture?

And now the last thing.
A good friend called Cutey584 is also back into Panfu.
If you see her, give her a warm welcome!

I guess that's it.
Bye bye!

The one and only. Damian101

P.S When will Panfu bring the 2 Christmas costume to the Clothes Catalogue?
If you don't know, here's what they look like...

P.P.S Yesterday I made an account in the Russian Panfu.

I did the money cheat, and it gave me 3 achievements at once. 
1 to get 5000 coins in you're pocket.
1 to get 1000 in a game.
And 1 for having 4 friends at you're tree-house...That one must have been a glitch?


  1. Heyy the first picture the server says "My_World"?


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