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Monday, 3 December 2012

The Quiz At San FranPanfu Has Gone!

Hey guys.

This is my second post for today.

But today I noticed that the quiz has gone, from San Franpanfu.

That were there a few days ago.
It must have went either today, or yesterday.

Anyway, see y'all later!
The one and only. Damian101

P.S This Thursday there will be a Picture Time.
I haven't posted one in a LONG time.
But today, I have been on Panfu all afternoon.
And took some pictures with my friends.
I will take more pictures on Wednesday and Thursday.


  1. I don;t know why they keep taking away things in Panfu and I noticed it was missing yesterday... Now I cant get my 500 coins!!! And they know how much I love moneyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

    1. Yeah it's annoying how they take everything away.
      There won't be anything left in Panfu.

  2. o.o... BUT I NEED MY MOOLAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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