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Saturday, 22 December 2012

22nd Of December 2012 Advent Gift + Cave Wall Glitch

Hey guys.

Thank you everyone who have been telling me what they are annoyed at with Panfu.

Rosey675 has told me: "panfu blocks me all the time which is getting ANNOYING. sometimes im just standing there when they block me for a WHOLE DAY.

Smoshy18 said: I feel like Panfu is getting worse.. I have been deactivated 4 times!! Two times because I was speaking in Swedish, one time for no reason at all and another tine for having a  "inappropriate" name when there was absolutely nothing wrong with it X_X. I mean, I like Panfu and all but cheesus that's just ridiculous ;__;.

There were more comments. I just picked two at random.
Thank you everyone who commented.

Today's Advent gift, has to be the worse gift of all. (Not saying that in like a spoiled, greedy and ungrateful way.) 

Take a look.

That's right. It's one of those download things. 
When you click on the red cross, a new page will load up. And there will be 4 pages, with those cut-outs. 
And if you are someone that doesn't have a printer. (Like me. Well, I have one. There just isn't any ink.)
Well you can't use it.

The only reason why I say it is the worse. That's because my printer doesn't have any ink.
So yeah.
Moving on to this weeks wall glitch.
Today, it is at the Cave.

So this is what the steps look like.
Stand on the left corner of the platform.

Then walk to the right corner of the platform.

Then just click once somewhere on the wall.

The best thing about this glitch would be the rocks at the top. And the rock in the bottom left corner. You can hide in them. You go behind the rocks.

The area where it is red is where you can hide.

And you can also go behind the gift machine.

Hope you have fun with this glitch. It's one of my favourite places to hide in. It's also perfect for hide and seek.

I'm going to go and open my Advent calender. Not opened it yet.
Happy Holidays!

The one and only. Damian101

P.S. I can't wait for Christmas! Only 3 more sleeps to go!


  1. Wow. that's the crappiest gift they have gave us. Its not even a gift. You would think that they would give something better since Christmas is approaching but they give us a download? Really Panfu.?? They could have done better. It's not even a giftt


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