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Friday 9 March 2012

Gift machine

Hello everyone.
Not much to say today.
First the gift machine is on today.
You get given a Paint Bucket    

That's about it.
Cya everyone.

The one and only, Damian101


  1. thank god ur still typing!!

  2. Hahahaha yeah.

    The one and only, Damian101

  3. damian y do u type so perfectly its not like ur writing for president obama lol xP

  4. Just keeping it formal.
    I don't want to add all this... xD in the blog
    I mean yes everyone has figured out xD looks like a face hahah.

    The one and only, Damian101

  5. lolz but rlly dude stop wit the acting normal sh!t it does't atrack gurls O.O xPPP soz for not acting noral sue me

  6. ...I'm not trying to attract girls. I don;t date over the internet.

    The one and only, Damian101
