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Tuesday 13 March 2012

Today's gold member prize

If you are a gold panda.
Each week you get given a gift.
And today is the day when you get given it
And todays prize is...
 This is really AMAZING
You actually do float in your own tree

It might not look like im floating in this picture. But you do. It's awesome! 

Thats all for now
Cya around

The one and only, Damian101 


  1. Hey der dude

    Nice pic How ya doin Im gunna go to america in da school holidayz are ya goin anywhere

  2. Hey dude.

    I'm alright thanks.

    And America! You lucky guy. I've always wanted to go there! Hope you have an awesome time!

    And where I'm going this year, is Wales. Not the best place, but it's a good place where we go to.

    The one and only. Damian101
