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Wednesday 11 April 2012

Multi blog post

Guten Tag!

I have a few things to go though today guys.

First: The gift machine is on.
You receive a...
Second: Theres some hole in San franpanfu.
Its that Lorax, the fury thing with a big mustache.
I have a photo, somewhere? Ah, here it is.
He looks like a fury peanut...with a mustache...and hairy eyebrows.

Third: I just want to answer some peoples questions. 
If im in a server thats quite on Panfu, its because im doing blog stuff. When im in busy servers, there can be lots of people in the way. And its quicker to get all my pictures when in a quite world.

Someone else's question. "How come you don't talk much on panfu, Damian?"
Well, I have other tabs up. And one of those tabs is this blog. At the bottom of the page is a chat box. And I talk to people on there. Also I might be brbing, to get food, drink etc etc. I mean, I got to eat, right?

The last comment is..."Why don't I talk much?" Well I used to talk a lot. But since when people mard at me for no apparent reason. I just don't like to talk no more. I have had really good friends that just change from good, to bad. And I don't want it to happen again. So I just sort of be a bit quite from now on.

And forth:
Yesterday I said I would post a thing with a few panfu mistakes.
Well here are some pictures, they aren't the best mistake ever...but its kinda one of those things where you don't really notice it.

See if you can spot the mistake/s... 
I'll give you a hint, its what im wearing? 

And heres another picture...
Theres probably more mistakes, but I really don't like having lots of clothes in my inventory. Its hard to look for a certain item.

Tomorrow I will post Picture Time.
And thats all the time I have today. 
Bye guys.
The one and only. Damian101 

1 comment:

  1. My husband absolutely loves curry chicken. I have yet to make it myself though...maybe I will have to try the recipe you recommended :) Hope you have a wonderful week!
