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What Super Power Would You Have?

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Stopping The Robot

Hey guys.

Today is the day, where we can make some progress to try and stop the robot.
There is a lot of pictures.

Now when you go to the Jungle, when you are wearing the taped mirror. You no longer get hit by magic.

This quest were annoying. Having to go back and forth to talk to the VIP Pandas.
Ahhh. But thank Goodness it is done.
Next week I guess it will become the end for the robot.

Bye. For now?

The one and only. Damian101


  1. OMG I love that Santa hat!!! And it isn't just your game that has the quiz missing. Mine is gone too...I guess there won't be any more helper pandas...

    1. Thank you grey-grey.
      I got the Christmas hat from Christmas 2010.

      And no more pandas getting those umbrellas. No more tours around Panfu.

  2. Hey Damian i`m a huge fan of your blog!!! Anyway .. don`t look forward to christmas too much. The only costumes they`ve made for now are : a christmas ball costume , a present costume and a christmas tree costume..
    But i have to admit it will look hilarious.. Keep on blogging!

    1. Hey there.
      Thank you very much! Glad you like it! : )

      I saw that outfit. It were funny hahaha. I will put it in the blog tomorrow.

      There will be more items. We just have to wait a few days for Panfu to make more items.

      : )
