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Monday 27 May 2013

A Little Message From Me + Where's Damian? (#45)

Hey guys.

I'm SO sorry for not posting anything on Thursday, Friday and on the weekend.
I actually caught a cold. (People in the UK tend to get it a lot with our crappy weather) 
The first few days when I had the cold were pretty bad.
But because I've had the cold many times, I'm sort of used to it.

I will make a new poll this Thursday.
I'll add extra answers to the Panfu Quiz on Friday.
And I'll answer to all of the comments that are, awaiting moderation, today.

Oh, and; here is what were in the Gift Machine last week:
I did the item hack to get it.
It were a sink

I placed it high on the wall. Now no one can use it.

Last but not least: Where's Damian?
Last week, I were hiding at the Library.

But where am I hiding this week?

I'll say where I am next Monday; followed with a new location.
That's all for today
Bye bye

- The one and only, Damian101

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