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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Panfu Pool Party 2013 + Invisible Waterbomb?

Morning everyone.

I were on Panfu for a few minuets yesterday.
And I bumped into some of my good old friends.
They were saying that a lot of people have quit playing Panfu!
Awwww, it's a shame that Panfu has gone super quite.
When I first started playing Panfu, it were packed.
Like when there were one of those quests, the place will be full of Pandas.
And it will freeze the computer.
I wish Panfu could get some more advertisement on TV.
But then again...It costs a lot to get that,

Anyway, let's all enjoy the party that's going on at that Swimming Pool.

There's actually no sort of alert message in the bottom left corner.
Ahh, well, still a pretty good party.
Let's enjoy it while it's here.

Oh and another thing:
When you log into Panfu, try throwing a waterbomb.

Is it me, or the waterbomb is in visible?

That's me throwing a waterbomb right at my foot. And there were no sight of the red waterbomb?
Try it out.

One last thing before I end the post: I will make a new blog poll tomorrow. I will keep it on my blog for around 3 months.

Okay, I'm going to get my breakfast now.
Me hungry!

- The one and only, Damian101


  1. Damian I just wanna say I am possibly quitting panfu too :( its not my fault well panfu is lame I am kinda busy playing other games like my Wii (which I just learned how to hack Wii hacks pretty awesome right) So I just wanna say a possible goodbye

  2. Yep. A lot of people have quit. I don't go on as much as I used to, I never thought I'd get bored of Panfu. ;o But it may have just been because I've got fed up of being deactivated..-.- And that most people have quit. Though when I *am* on, no ones online?! D:

    Anyway. Bye[;
