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Monday 13 May 2013

The Lake Is Grey! + Where's Damian? (#43) + I Finally Pre-Ordered Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Bonus Edition)

Good afternoon everybody!

That's right...Evron has attacked Panfu...Once again.
Let's take a look where he has hit today:

We shall get our revenge soon, my Pandas! Very soon!
To take your mind off it. Here is this weeks 'Where's Damian?' location. And the location from last week:

Last week, I were hiding at the Volcano.

But where am I this week?

I'll say where I am next Monday; followed with a new location.

And you may have seen the title of this post.
But yesterday, I finally pre-ordered Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the Nintendo 3DS.
The release date on the game is 14th June 2013 in the UK.
But, I ordered it off one of the biggest UK Game stores -

It's pretty good. If I want/need something, I will check Amazon and Game, just to see which is better.
Sometimes Game online has some pretty decent prices.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf on Amazon and Game are both £29.99
But on the Game website you get the game a day early. And, it comes with a model figurine of the Town Hall and Isabelle - The new character to AC.

Pretty cool.
That's all for today.
Bye bye!

- The one and only, Damian101

1 comment:

  1. My ''Where's Damian'' answer is:
    Pet Shop
