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Sunday 24 June 2012

No More Tree Monster

Hey guys

Finally the tree-monster in the English Panfu has gone!
Here's some pictures of the banter.

I'm going to miss that tree monster. It were pretty cool.
One last thing before I end this blog post.

Congratulations to gardnertwins on winning the expert question.
The prize were the usual, 'Graduation hat' and a 'cocktail glass'

The question were: "Starting on round 3, what can you serve additionally in the 'Ice Cream' game?"
The answer was: Waffles
That's all for today guys. Bye bye

The one and only. Damian101


  1. Woah u got 139 messages?! lolz

    1. Hahaha yeah. I have an old computer. And if I open them, my computer crashes. Hahaha

      The one and only. Damian101
