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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Gift Time (10) + Honey Furniture

Morning everyone.

It's so exciting to find out what you get in the weekly present. 
And today is Tuesday. The day when there's a new present awaiting for you at the tree-house. 

This week we have a...

When you click on it, it starts bouncing about. That has to be fun!
Now we just need a bull ride. That will sure be fun!

And today Panfu made new furniture.

That has to get you into a...Sticky situation...Ohhh that was good.
Anyway I'll see you guys later. Take care.
Bye bye

The one and only. Damian101


  1. Hey damian its adrian and i am just here to say i wont be on from friday 20th until erm around august something :) coz im on holiday so erm yh cya

    1. Awww okay Adrian. Don't worry, I'll be going on holiday and stuff too. So see you soon!

      The one and only. Damian101
