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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Writing Library Books?

Hey guys.

Remember yesterday I said I will post a glitch thing.
Well here it is.
Basically go to the 'Library' 
And click on the books on the shelf on the left hand side.

When you click on the books, it will look like this...

Select any book you want. I choose "The Oldest Christmas Tree" on the very right side.

Then all you do is click on the title, and you can name it something else. I put this...

No it isn't fake. Try it out! It's not rocket science or anything. Just click and type!
And you can type anything...And I mean...ANYTHING.

One last thing. I don't know if anyone can remember, but a while ago I said that "In Panfu you can't get white bollys?" Well I did a little bit of research and it turns out that the 'White Bolly' is actually Santa's bolly in Panfu. When I were reading "The Oldest Christmas Tree". There is a picture of Santa and next to him is the 'White Bolly' Here's the picture. 

You can also see the bolly outside the 'Castle'

And that is all for today. 
Goodbye my friends.

The one and only. Damian101