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Tuesday 10 July 2012

Super Secret Location In Panfu (Darkroom)

Hey guys.

Holy cheese cakes!
I've just found an amazing location in Panfu!
If I tell you, please don't take advantage of it! (Like going around saying you found it)
Basically go to the 'Great Hall' 
And where the cellar is...
Yeah that.

Sit on the cellar for about ten seconds.
Then you go into a dark dark, and I mean...DARK! ROOM!
It's pitch black, you can't see anything, other than the out lines of pandas.
To talk, you need the chat box down, so you know what people are saying.
Here's some pictures, and no these aren't fake.
You can try it out yourself. 

This and the 'Great Hall' would be perfect for Halloween. There's eyes lurking about, skulls rolling about, a spider popping in and out, a spider web, bats flying around. And at one point, the cow ghost appeared. Now that spooked me up!
Go head and try it out...If you dare.

The scared. Damian101


  1. Awsome thanks

    1. You're welcome.

      The one and only. Damian101

  2. i don't get the cow ghost.
    how do you do that?

    1. He pops up every minuet or so. You only see him for about five seconds then he's gone again. Soon as he arrives, just throw a waterbomb at him.

      The one and only. Damian101

  3. Is there any way to see in the dark room?
