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What Super Power Would You Have?

What Super Power Would You Have?

Thursday 31 May 2012

Picture Time + Expert Winners

Hello my companions.
It's Thursday! You know what that means!?

The first 3 pictures are backgrounds that mysteriously disappeared, shortly after Christmas 2011. 
In Panfu, In December time. You have an advent calender. And each day you get a gift. You get items from tree house furniture, to clothes and backgrounds. There were 3 backgrounds, but they disappeared from EVERYONE'S inventory!
Today I did a little cheat to show you them. (unfortunately, they don't seem to be staying in my inventory...!) 

# Igloo background

# Christmas Eve background

# Christmas Night background

Awwww I miss them SOOO much. 
I especially miss the Christmas Night one. That one were my favourite. 
Boy!.. After looking at those, I'm looking forward for Christmas now! Buuuuut thats over 6 months away. Aww I can't wait that long. NooOOOooOOOOOOoooooooOOoOooooooo!

And carrying on with the pictures.
These next ones, I were hid behind the screen at the castle. And I were throwing cups, and pots. And people thought I were Evron.

Oh did I mention that I turned them into snails too? No...Well, I turned them into snails mwuhaha.
Don't worry, I'm not evil. It bought a lot of people to the castle, and it gave them something to do. I always see people in this game saying "I'm board" It brought a smile to their face....Well, I don't think a smile. More of a thrown. But it kept them occupied, let me tell you that for sure!
I shall Post some more next Thursday. I have about 8 more.

And lastly. Time for the winners of the expert question.
The question was "1. Which species of whale is the largest? Little tip: They can grow to up to 30 metres in length!
2. Why does the whale expel a fountain of water?
3. Is the blue whale a cachalot or a baleen whale?
And the answers were "1. The largest whale is the blue whale. 2. The fountain of water sprays up when whales exhale through their blowhole. They do that when they are barely under the surface of the water and they spray water from inside their body and from the water surface. 3. Blue whales are baleen whales. Instead of teeth, they have a row of plates on the upper side of their jaws that resemble the ‘teeth’ of a comb. They use it to filter their food out of the water."
Thats right. I copied and pasted it all in here. 
There were too much to write.
And the winners were:
They each got a graduation cap, and an orange wooby
Right guys thats a wrap for today. I'll post something tomorrow, I don't normally post everyday. But I do try to post at least something, everyday. I might even just post some random stuff. Like cool videos on youtube, or just random stuff on Panfu. 

Goodbye my friends
The one and only. Damian101


  1. HAHAHAHAHAH i remember lots of times u would do stuff like that, lol yh u did make them stop saying IM BORED for a while... xP well cya on panfu n have a good day Mr.Teddy Bear xD

  2. Hahah yeah, it's fun fun fun!
    cya around in Panfu, cute.
    And you have a good day too!

    The one and only. Damian101

  3. do the fake evron thing again! i wasnt on long enough to see it. :( and pretty much every day on panfu is the same for me:going to the city,getting money,going to the beach and getting money,checking on the prize and level machines,going on the blog,checking to see of there's any new levels,getting mad at the level booster machine of there isnt any new levels (hehehe) and thats it.

    1. Yeah sure.
      I will have to wait a day when Evron strikes back (like now is good)
