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What Super Power Would You Have?

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Name Them And Shame Them

This is my 2nd post today.
Im going to post some of these every-now-and-then
Where I find ridiculous people in Panfu (if they think their hard, or how they talk etc etc)
Today I found 2 people who really fail...

She were acting all nasty to people at the Lake today.
So for those who got bullied, operation embarrassment will happen to her...Hopefully. 

And the last one...
This is one of those hormonal types of girls. The types that are very....what's the sentence I'm looking for...? Ah thats it. The moany, groany, whiney types. She's clearly growing up...(What I hate about a girls). Then they go through stages where they talk lykle diz....Which I hate, it just looks like you were schooled by a school drop out.
And before when I took this picture. She were saying the ''S'' word. But differently. So it looked like the word. She though it were cool to say it...When it's not, just makes you look like a troubled teen. If you see this one, look out for her, and see what she says. It's hilarious.

I'll try and find more people in Panfu.
If you know anyone, let me know; and i'll try and find the person. 

What goes around, comes around.
The one and only. Damian101


  1. Hahahahhahaha, well kinda funny. Well im gonna be 11 tomorrow so i hope im not like those Female Puppys.. xP

  2. Hahahahah. Cool. Your going to be eleven! Sweet, hope you have a good Birthday!
    And those types of girls, tend to act like that when they are teenagers. Like around 13+

    Happy! Happy! Birthday!

  3. awww thx teddy bear, anyway 13? OH NO! 2 YEARS AWAY!

  4. You're welcome cute!
    And yeah, around 13 lol. Try to be strong haha.

    The one and only. Damian101
