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What Super Power Would You Have?

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Sorry & Some News

Hey guys.

Sorry for not being online since Friday. I've been on a camping trip, and I came back Tuesday morning.
I will post all the updates, like ''Gift Time'' and the scarecrow thing (which you all pretty much know about), very soon.
And I found out that when the scarecrow has gone, we will be rewarded with that crow costume which I showed you about 2 weeks ago. So yeah. I currently don't have the picture, as it is on my other computer. I will get all my pictures back soon!

Oh and for some news.
My friend gave me his old laptop. So it's much, much, MUCH better.
It works faster (my old one were slow as a snail)
And this one doesn't have lots of viruses...Like my old computer.
That also means I won't really do any hacks/cheats no more (accept the clothes hack and some others)

And, and, AND...!
Just before Christmas (or just after Christmas)
I will be getting the new iPad. So that means I can take it to lots of places (as-long I can connect to the wi-fi) I will be able to blog and play Panfu when I'm out of the house! I can take pictures outside the real world, and upload them on here. And because apple are amazing with editing videos and pictures. I could make some masterpeice designs. (I have been thinking about makeing a video about Panfu. I will tell you more in a short time) And yes, I am paying for the iPad. I'm not some spoilet kid who bothers their parents for a phone which they have no-one to call hahah. (I don't get why kids have phones? They are far too young to have one. And are they even old enough to go out of the house, on their own to meet their friends?)

One last thing. My pictures may seem different, now I am using a different laptop. They may seem bigger or smaller.

Hope to talk to you all soon!
Take care!
Bye bye!

The one and only. Damian101

P.S You know the top of this page where all my other pages are?
Do some of them look all....How shall I say...Spaces out? Like the letters are scattered all over the top?

P.P.S Sorry thst this post has just been boring words and no pictures.

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