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What Super Power Would You Have?

What Super Power Would You Have?

Friday 7 September 2012

Video Time (12) + Gift Machine + Seal Costume

Hey guys. 
Thank God it's the weekend!
Now I can kick my feet up, and relax.

I love to have a cup of tea on Friday's. I don't know why?
But what goes well with tea? That's right, toast!

You will find a toaster in the gift machine this week!

When you click on it, it goes down. Seconds later, it pops up.

Just don't have any toast while you are wearing the seal costume.
It took me ten minuets to get all the crumbs out of there.

The seal costume will be available soon!
I think it's actually a reward for this weeks quest on Wednesday.
Not too sure. But, there will be a seal costume. I am telling you that for sure!
(strange, in that picture my level is 58, and I have 58 of those messages)

And last but not least. Time for a video clip, thingy. 
This weeks video is an awesome video.
It's about this guy who blends lots of stuff.
And there are lots. he blends iphones, marbles, magnets etc etc.
This week, he blends glow sticks. It's amazing. (And the type of blenders they use are very strong and powerful. Do not try this at home) And I do NOT own this video, all rights go to Blendtec

Like always my friends, have a good weekend!

The one and only. Damian101

1 comment:

  1. LOL! The Blended Glow Sticks Look Liek Ghost Ectoplasm xDD
