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What Super Power Would You Have?

Wednesday 24 October 2012

A Cure For Risotto & Gift Time (19)

Hey guys.

Sorry for not posting the glitch on Saturday. This Saturday I will post two glitches instead.

So, one week today until it's Halloween!
Who is going trick-or-treating?
Who is going to any Halloween party's?
Who is going to pull out any pranks?
And who is doing nothing this year?

I am defiantly going trick-or-treating. I might be going to a Halloween party. And I am DEFIANTLY pulling out some scare pranks. 

This year, I am going to dress up as: Slender man. Or the Grim Reaper. 
Last year I dressed up as: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That were fun! 

So what about you guys? What are you all doing this year?
Scaring anyone?
Any party's? 
I hope you all have a fun, and safe Halloween!

Anyway, now time for the weekly quest thing.

Basically in this part. Click on the spider. It will then wake up, and start shooting poison ball things at you. Dodge them, by walking out of the way. The spider will then get tired. The spider will get a purple outline. Click on the spider, and you will collect some of the poison. Do this 3 times. Each stage will become slightly harder, as the spider shoots more than one poison ball, thing.

That's that out of the way. Now time for this weeks gold gift.

The bat is really cool. Perfect for Halloween. When you click 
on it, it screches, and you see the sonic waves! Pretty cool!

That's all for today. 
Bye bye

The one and only. Damian101


  1. i have a halloween dance tomorrow night (and my friends andrew thinks were old enough to ask people to the dance :s)

    1. Nice!
      Hope you have a good time! And you are never too old, or young to dance.
