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Saturday 27 October 2012

Pandanda Is Closing Down! :(

Hey guys

Some sad news.
A virtual world called "Pandanda" []
is sadly closing down.

The game has been on the web for over 4 years! And now, it is coming to an end.
You can still sign into Pandanda, only until today (Saturday 27th Octover 2012)
After that, it will no longer be on the web.
But Pandanda's spirit will still live on!
...(why can't Club Penguin close down instead?)

Pandanda is having a big last party throughout today. 
Everyone will become elite all day!

And when I logged on, I noticed that lots of servers were full!

So I took a couple of pictures around Pandanda. Taking a last look at the place.

Henry also wrote his final blog post...

Well, goodbye Pandanda.
It's a pretty good game when you get into it. 
I didn't play it a great amount. 
But it is great!

The one and only. Damian101


  1. Why not close Panfu?

  2. Why not close Panfu?

  3. Why not close Panfu?

  4. Why not close Panfu?

  5. Why not close Panfu?

  6. Maybe because Panfu earn plenty of money with their 2 virtual worlds. And the lots of apps they make. Instead of being bought by "Disney".

  7. Totally agree with he Club Penguin thing :)
