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Friday 26 October 2012

Video Time (19) + New Halloween Costumes + Halloween Party + Pumpkins In Panfu + GP DAY + Gift & Booster Machine

Hey guys!

Sorry for the long title.
But there seems to be a LOT going on in Panfu!

To start off, I would like to say that today, is Gold Panda Day!

Make sure to buy some Halloween costumes in Panfu. It's Halloween on Wednesday! I can't wait!

Second: Panfu have bought back some old Halloween costumes. You can buy these costumes in the clothes catalogue. But only until the 2nd of November 2012. So make sure you buy them real soon! These are really rare items!

These were in Panfu before. But they looked different before. As they would have been on the old pandas.
And about 2 weeks ago. I posted some of these items, way before they were in Panfu once again. 

Third:. Both, gift and booster machines are active today!

I don't know if anyone can remember, but. About a week ago, I posted a picture of the scottish dog, way before anyone could get it. I will show some more early items very soon!

Forth: There is a Halloween party going on in Panfu. If you head to the Ballroom, at the Castle. You will see that it is COMPLETELY decorated. 

Panfu always make Halloween party's. They have been decorated like this for a few years now. It were like this last year. And the year before! And now it's like it this year!

Fifth: If you go around Panfu. You might find some pumpkins about. Here are the locations you can find the pumpkins.
Game Cave
Hay Barn
San FranPanfu

Castle Tower

Old Harbour
I managed to find 6 pumpkins around Panfu.
I am not too sure if I missed any?

And finally, Sixth: This weeks video.
Because it's almost Halloween. I will post a very gory, cartoon.
On YouTube, their is an account called "MondoMedia" 
I am a big fan of their big hit: Happy Tree Friends.
They are cute and cuddly animals. But then bad things happen. 
They die horrible deaths. Like getting their heads chopped off. Or drowning etc.
Do NOT watch this video if you do not wish to see cartoon animals dying. 
It does contain very strong gore.
And I do NOT own this video. All rights go to MondoMedia
No actual animals were harmed in the making of this video.
Have a good weekend!

The one and only. Damian101