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Wednesday 3 October 2012

How To Take You're Swimsuit Off At The Sea Ground + Other Features

Hello, again.

This is just an update about anything new at the 'Sea ground'.
When I posted the walkthrough a bit ago, I don't really looks for any glitches, etc. I just concentrate on getting the work down, then it can be play time.

So when you go to the 'Sea ground', you cannot use any functions. (throwing slimebombs, farting, and even going on you're profile etc)
But I found away how to go on you're/or anyone else's profile.

Simply type something into the chat bar. And press send.
Then click on the chat history, in the middle at the top.
This will open who typed what, with their panda name written in blue.
Then click on you're name (or anyone elses) And you will be on you're profile (or theirs). Then you can take off you're swimsuit, and/or use you're profile! (or see other pandas profiles!)

Hope you have fun roaming the sea floor with no swimsuit!
Bye bye.

The one and only. Damian101

P.S Sorry that the title name of this blog post is long.

P.P.S I found out how to get into the glitch at the 'Sea ground'
I will tell you it tomorrow.

P.P.P.S I told you that the snail suit were real, and I am no faker. 
I shall post more cheats about clothing/furniture soon!


  1. i found out the glitch

  2. there is another way go to ur tree and change there then go back the door in your tree
