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Monday 8 April 2013

Where's Damian? (39)

Howdy people!

This is going to be a pretty short post today.

Last week I were hiding at "PandaHill"

Some of you may have never seen or heard of this place!
Basically a few years ago, there were a quest called "Amaluras Love Story"
It were one of my most favourite quest!
And so were the "Bigfoot" quest (Another quest which Panfu got rid of)
Basically at the end of the quest you have find this place.
The location for it is at the "Eerie Forest"

Anyone who hasn't done the quest won't be able to go to "PandHill".
And when you hover your cursor over the dark hole, there isn't any sort of notification saying "PandaHill"
It's nothing, just looks like a dark hole.

Where am I this week?

I'll say where I am next Monday, followed with a new location.
Bye bye

- The one and only, Damian101


  1. Replies
    1. You are correct!
      I'll put your name in on the blog on Monday!

      - Damian101

  2. Replies
    1. Your correct Gabrielle!
      I'll also put your name in on Monday!

      - Damian101

  3. i forgot what it was called
