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Monday 15 April 2013

Where's Damian? (40) + Defience News

Hey guys

Sorry for not being online at the weekend.
It were pretty sunny, so we went out of town.

Last week I were hiding at the Disco

Congratulations to m237 & Gabrielle who both got the answer right!
But where am I this week?

I'll say where I am next Monday, followed with a new location.

I normally end the post right here.
But I always like to add something else to the post.
Basically, there's this called Defiance.
It's based on the TV series on the Syfy channel.
Now, most games on Xbox and PS3 have around 30 players on multiplayer.
Defiance however, has 2 - 10,000+ players per server! (If you ever the game case, pick it up and look near the bottom of the back of the case. It will say the maximum players. and it says 2-10,000+)
Defiance is only an online game. You must be connected to the internet to play.
And if you play Defiance on Xbox LIVE, you'll also need Gold Membership to play.
The game is on-going, it never ends! There is a main story line on the game. But each day, there are tons of new missions which are uploaded to the game.

When I saw the cover of Defiance, I thought it looked pretty boring. But you should never judge a book by it's cover, because it's one of the BEST games I have ever played!
I played it a friends house for a little while and now because of my friend, I have to get a copy of the game.
Another good thing about the game is that you get to name your character. But, the name you choose will be seen by all the players. So in a way, it's almost like as-if you are making a new gamertag for Defiance.
And another great thing is that there are hundreds of weapons on the game to find. So now you have a LARGE variety to choose from.

I could go on forever about this game
But it's one really awesome 3rd person shooter games.
And I definitely need to get it.

Bye everyone
- The one and only, Damian101


  1. Replies
    1. Well done again m237.
      Your correct!
      ( I need to make these a bit harder )

      - Damian101

  2. UR AT THE GAME CAVE XD lol i think... xS

    1. Your also right House!
      I'll add your name and m237's name on Monday : )

      - Damian101

  3. Your at the game cave. (I didn't copy the answers, I just thought it. Don't misunderstand)

    1. Well done, Gabrielle.
      I'll add you into the post as-well : )

      - Damian101
