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Monday 22 April 2013

Where's Damian? (#41)

Hey guys!
What's going on?!

This is going to be a pretty short post for today.
I'm going to start off by telling you where I were last Monday.

Last week, I were hiding at the 'Game Cave'

Congratulations to: m237, HouseOfAnubis and Gabrielle who got it right!

But where am I this week?

I'll say where I am next Monday; followed with a new location.

And sorry about the delay of that Defiance game.
There's none in-stock just yet. (Well, none of the ultimate edition ones)
I'm hoping to order the game sometime this week.
And hope to post the unboxing video very soon!
Ta Tar!

- The one and only, Damian101

1 comment:

  1. Hey Damian you know for your thing with your friends: I have just noticed that you have sorted for one side for your friends that are ''boys'' and the other side has your friends that are ''girls''. Also I have also noticed that there are more girls than boys. Ha- :)

