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Friday, 17 August 2012

700/700 Achievement Points Done!

Hey guys.

Just want to say that today I got all the achievements.
And I unlocked the glow.
But the glow is different this time. You glow from all colours!
It changes every few seconds to another colour. It's better than before!
Here are a few pictures of today.

So what do you think. Do you think it's better to automatically change colours? 
Or do you prefer to stay red? 

Bye for now.

The one and only. Damian101


  1. Hi Damian can u plz help me with the ninja achievement i need it

    Your Freind,

    1. Yeah sure dip.
      I'll love to help you out!

    2. can u help me with my achievement too Damian? i just need to challenge 1 more player to 5 rounds of rock-paper-scissors. i can already use mlkitty for the achievement "ice cube" and i can also help dipuzaman with "be a ninja" of i do all that in one day: I'll finish all my achievements without having to do them again...probably

    3. Yeah I would love to help out!

    4. im done now so i just need to do "ice cube"(i use my other account for ice cube) and "be a ninja"

    5. Cool okay m237. Sorry If I'm not on Panfu a great amount. Anything else you need help with, I'll be here.

    6. never mind about achievements anymore! i finally finished then all too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE im so exited! wait why i already finished them. i love having 3 accounts-i mean my 2nd account mlkitty IS the one who helped the most (the one i froze) i really wanna wear something that would go good with a glow now. :[

    7. Nice one.
      Congratulations! : )

  2. Can you help me get all achivment points!!! please

  3. can you help me for achivment point!!! please

  4. I need to done only two achievements!Ice Cube And Be a ninja!I can't do The achievement Ice cube!Can you help me?
