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Monday 27 August 2012

Where's Damian? (17)

Hey guys.

Is everyone looking forward to going back to school?
Looking forward that Summer is almost over! And soon it will be Autumn going on Winter!?
Well I can't wait for it to be Winter....Christmas on Panfu! (as long as they keep it how it has always been)

Now I am back, I can start to blog again.
Since I have been back, I have found some amazing cheats, which I will post on here soon.

But to start the week off, lets see where I were hiding on Friday. And where I am this week.

On Friday I were

The right side of the pirate island. 
Congratulations to TeddyRulz2002 and m237 who both got it right!

But where am I this week?

I'll say where I am next Monday, followed with a new location.

Here's to a new week!

The one and only. Damian101

P.S I think a few of you have met my 11 year old brother on Panfu. He is my real brother, and he has been watching me play Panfu for some time. When we got back from holiday, I let him use my account. He sometimes goes a bit too far with the cheats (which I wish I didn't show him now haha)
His name is Martin, so if I am ever on and Martin has been annoying everyone with cheats and stuff, please don't take it out on me. And I think most of you may notice that I try and spell the words right, no slang or text language (accept from brb, lol, idk and ikr). His spelling is a bit strange. He does that stuff where he adds a 'Z' on some stuff. Trying to make it look cool (when it doesn't really look cool). And he isn't the best speller in the world. So yeah, you may notice that there will be some difference. I will say this a few times, in case if everyone doesn't get the message. I'll post a bit more tomorrow.


  1. you are at the secret basement (m2371 my third account didn't do the quest so i did it with m237 the first one who did the quest and the only one that should have of it wasn't for a glitch becuz my second account mlkitty didn't do the quest "my son is a pirate" becuz Fred the octopuses really face scares me(don't blame me im just really scared for a 7 year old) ) anyways so idk how i thought of tht so quickly i can never think of the answers to math questions at school in rl so yh im done im not typing anymore my fingers hurt XC anyways so im nott gonna type anymore starting now

    1. You are Correct!
      Haha, I were thinking to post that location or not. I mean most people haven't done that quest.
      And yeah Fred's face looks strange. Looks a bit like as if he's constipated hahaha.

    2. but i think i was 6 when i did the quest and now im scared to even go to the Caribbean beach im even to scared to talk or write or type about it please wait for me over the break:.............................................OK im done lolz.

    3. haha I think we all had a fear when we were little. I were scared of those strange moving Christmas trees. The ones where you press a button, and it will start singing Christmas songs. I'm not too sure why I were scared haha.

    4. over the break i was opening my door because i was still at my house then but now im at my grandma's house so im not scared...of that at least a screw just fell out of my seat the one im sitting on o.o and my gum is turning into a liquid again in rl! (i accidentally just swallowed it right now) its even juicy fruit! i think... ah well i'll find out soon of only it was morning then i would get a waffle or pancake! tip: i was typing in the ......'s while i was on the break in my last comment. my typing is off even more today so don't mind more typing mistakes than usual
      and that's all for today. bye! p.s i think this is my longest comment ever!

    5. Hahaha that is one story.
      And you're gum turned to liquid? hahaha coool. Didn't know it did do that, (unless you melt it with FIRE!)
      And don't worry about the spelling. I have to put up with reading text language (I can never understand it)

      P.S I think this is you're longest comment ever!

    6. i think im not scared of Fred's face anymore im on m2371 on panfu right now watching not scared! (but its much scarier then i remember it being o.o) so yh im rlly scared right now a little

    7. im bored and i want my gum back

    8. Haha. soon as you do the ''My son is a pirate quest''. Fred will go away. (the sooner the better)

  2. lol, if ur bro tries to get me ill make sure he goes downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn XD umm and its the secret basement...

    1. You are correct!
      And I told him all of my friends on Panfu, not to annoy or whatever. (I hope I said EVERYONE). But if he annoys you. Just say "mashed potato" to him. Hahaha he will know what it means. About a year ago, I rubbed it in his face..He cried hahah. (teaches him for being a little brat)

  3. Hey its me hip hop style (1-2 and 3) awesome blog xP
