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Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Pump That Water!

Hey guys.

Finally. After years of when the underwater school has been built. We get to soon go inside it.
An extra classroom. That's just what we need!
Yay. Learning!

There isn't a lot of pictures this week. Only 9 pictures.

To use the pump, just click on the pump on the left of Manny. You will see the handle go down and back up again. But clicking on the pump a second time, it tells you to wait.

The pump meter started on 100% And is going down and down, until it reaches 0%. Soon when it hits 0%. Then we can enter the classroom. At first when the meter bar came up. It were on 94% I thought "Jeeze it's almost done". But then I noticed it went down.

Have fun pumping

The one and only. Damian101

P.S There is only 1 day left to vote on the monthly poll, at the top of the blog. If you haven't voted already, get voting...Please...


  1. OMG i start school on Wednesday!so i'll check on it then.
